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Sustainability Consultation

     We at SEA believe that educating the next generation of leaders and decision-makers is key to a sustainable world.  SEA is able to provide all educational stakeholders, from parents and teachers to business administrators and Boards of Education, the tools necessary to effect change toward true sustainability.  Our professional development efforts empower teachers with specific strategies so that they may adjust their instruction and improve Environmental Education in the classroom.  Our team provides guidance to administrators in quantitatively measuring the effectiveness of environmental education.  We work with parents and Boards of Education so that they may fully appreciate and comprehend the major environmental issues enabling them to set rigorous yet attainable goals for developing a world-view attitude in the entire learning community. We assist Superintendents with strategies for initiating critical-thinking discussions in their Districts surrounding non-linear relationships of sustainability, the importance of understanding socio-political structures, and the self-sacrificing approach necessary for minimizing global threats.

Curriculum Development, Enhancement, Implementation

     In order to achieve a sustainable world for future generations, today’s K-12 curricula must infuse a theme of Sustainability and focus on specific ways that classroom teachers must adjust their instruction and improve Environmental Education in America.  At SEA, we assist curriculum developers in adjusting existing curricula or developing new curricula that empower teachers to quantitatively measure the effectiveness of their own environmental education efforts.  Without compromising state standards, each curriculum is enhanced to convey to students the impacts of climate change, resource depletion, and environmental degradation with the goal of developing a world-view attitude in the classroom environment.  Strategies for introducing critical-thinking discussions surrounding non-linear relationships, the importance of understanding socio-political structures, and the self-sacrificing approach necessary for minimizing global threats are embedded with required course content.  With sustainability in mind, curricula are strengthened to ensure that critical-thinking skills are being developed as students apply subject content knowledge and actively participate in solving “real-world” environmental problem scenarios to which they can easily relate.

STEM Development, Enhancement, Implementation


     SEA is a leader in the development, enhancement, and implementation of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) programs.  We provide assistance with High School Capstone Programs as well as Comprehensive K-12 efforts for Public School Districts.  Whether you are in a “start-up” phase or looking to enhance your existing program to reflect the importance of Sustainability Education, the professionals at SEA are here to help.  Our High School Programs have launched many a career in the environmental field.  The vast majority of these former students entered their STEM programs with very little or no understanding of the scope and magnitude of the environmental crisis.  For advanced Capstone studies, SEA can assist Program Advisors in arranging co-operative research relationships for their students with faculty members of Institutes of Higher Education, or with one or more of our own associates.  Projects such as these often result in continued research at the college level and beyond.

Environmental Consultation

     Although SEA remains focused on the long-term goal of leaving the next generation a sustainable world, we realize that there are environmental problems and issues that need to be resolved immediately, effectively, and in a professional manner.  The professionals at SEA are able to provide expert consultation in a variety of areas ranging from environmental regulatory compliance to occupational and community noise issues.   For an overview of the diversity of projects that our associates have successfully completed, feel free to visit the “Experience” portal on this website.  For Public School Districts, we specifically provide sustainability programs in community outreach, energy reduction savings, and quantifiable environmental improvement.  SEA professionals are also available for private and public sector presentations and as guest speakers.

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